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The Weekly Word: A holy invitation

By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, Gospel Lighthouse Church

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.

— John 2:1-2

June and July are wonderful months for couples to get married. We have a young couple from our congregation who will tie the knot in a few weeks. They are very excited and can’t wait to begin their life together.

My wife and I were married in November 1977, and that’s a great month to get married, too. I was thankful she would marry me in any month. Some couples even get married in an Iowa January blizzard. Whatever month a husband and wife get married honors God. Marriage is holy matrimony.

It’s interesting that God performed the first wedding in the Garden of Eden. And in the New Testament we find Jesus at a wedding where He performed His first miracle.

The Bible gives us instructions on how to have a God-honoring marriage. In the second chapter of John’s gospel an event takes place and only John records this. His sacred record says that Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana.

This is a very important point for us to remember. Inviting Jesus into our hearts is the first step. Inviting Him into our marriages, families, churches, schools, and businesses is another step in the right direction. Having Jesus with us makes a huge difference in how things will work out.

Jesus is a perfect gentleman. He does not bully or intimidate people. He wants to be invited into your heart and mine. Have you invited Jesus into your life?

I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.

— Revelation 3:20

The Scripture also tells us that Jesus was presented with a problem or need at the wedding He was attending. His mother came to him and presented the need. Jesus wants us to come to Him with our needs. He is faithful to meet them just like He met the need at the wedding at Cana.

Lastly, the servers at the wedding were instructed to do whatever Jesus asked them to do. They did and a marvelous miracle took place. Just maybe if we invite Jesus into our world, present our needs to Him, and obey His teachings, He will do something very special for our marriages, families, churches, schools, businesses and communities.

If there was ever a time, we needed Jesus it’s the day we live in. Our world is broken, and we need Him to work a life-changing miracle like He did at Cana. Let’s invite Him into our hearts and homes today.

Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips have been honored to serve the Gospel Lighthouse Church, 205 Madison Street, in Floyd. To find out more about their ministry go to

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