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A freshman view of CCHS

A freshman view of CCHS

As a freshman, I never thought I’d love the high school. With more homework and longer class periods it worried me. It’s filled with more opportunities and encourages learning. But what are some of these things that make high school so great?

At the end of eighth grade when I picked out what classes I’d like to be in, I was surprised by how many options I had. From culinary classes to business classes, there is a little bit of everything. With all the different classes I was interested in, I just couldn’t bring myself to put in a study hall. Luckily, classes are longer which provides more time to work and learn. Because of this I usually am able to finish my homework before class.

Longer classes allow us to get into deeper discussions and really think about our topic at hand.

Abundant resources at the high school are another asset.

We all are provided with a laptop. It’s great to have an assigned laptop that we can bring home. In the middle school, we always had to just get a laptop from our classroom and most of the time they wouldn’t be fully charged. It makes it easier for us to work on homework outside of school and get everything done. We are also provided with a library that is full of great reads. I’m never without a book. Probably the best resource we have, though, is our teachers that help us with our homework and fill our minds with knowledge.

SMART lunch — Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time — is one of the things I enjoy most at the high school. It‘s an hour-long lunch period designed to allow students to time to work on homework and get help from teachers.

Also with SMART lunch we are able to participate in more clubs.

There are so many different clubs you can join.

The clubs just seem to keep growing and growing. I am currently in four clubs and by the end of the year I might be in even more, knowing me.

The sports at the high school are more in-depth and shown in the spotlight. It’s great that our community is so supportive of all of our young athletes. We all work our hardest up to our games or meets.

Mariah McKenzie of Charles City is a regular columnist for the Press. She attends Charles City High School and can be reached at mariahmckfashion@gmail.


Mariah McKenzie


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