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Letter to the Editor: Voter Suppression in Options 2 and 3

By Douglas K. Lindaman, Charles City

The election, set on Aug. 3, 2021, requires voters to pick one of three options for selection of future Floyd County supervisors. All options keep a three-person board as follows:

• Option One allows candidates to live anywhere in the county and all voters are permitted to vote (current procedure).

• Option Two limits voter choice. Only candidates from a specific district are permitted to run (for that district). Those outside that district may not run. So, Voter Suppression as to candidates. But, all citizens may vote.

• In Option Three, you can only run and/or vote if living in that district. Voter Suppression as to candidates and voting.

We need to keep democracy alive in Floyd County, so vote for Option One.

If we want to improve county government, we need a new petition for five supervisors. We currently have too few leaders, which leads to problems. The City Council and Charles City School Board are composed of five elected officials. A future change to five supervisors makes more sense than districts.

Please exercise your civic duty and vote for Option One! Save our free choice.

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