22 September 2016
Firing away at the CCHS studio

Firing away at the CCHS studio

By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com Patience is the key when burying artwork in a pit. That was one lesson for Charles City High School...
Charles City Arts Center welcomes new director

Charles City Arts Center welcomes new director

Director Davidson holds background in design, portraiture, administration By Kate Hayden | khayden@gmail.com Jacqueline Davidson has enjoyed...
13 September 2016
Annual Chuck Town  BrewFest set for  Saturday, Oct. 15

Annual Chuck Town BrewFest set for Saturday, Oct. 15

Beer lovers, lift your glasses for the 2016 ChuckTown BrewFest celebration happening Saturday, Oct. 15. The public is invited to the Columbus Club lo...
09 September 2016
Cozy comforts at the Iowa State Fair

Cozy comforts at the Iowa State Fair

By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com Every year, Betty Staudt has sent in her box of Iowa State Fair submissions to the head of th...
New director begins year with CCHS vocal department

New director begins year with CCHS vocal department

Derek Sturtevant takes the reigns of growing choir department By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com The Charles City High School voc...
01 September 2016
CC students visit American Players Theatre for drama trip

CC students visit American Players Theatre for drama trip

High school auditions for school musical set for Sept. 6 and 8 To the Press A busload of speech and drama students began the school year with ...
25 August 2016
CC Singers name Scott Blakenbaker as new director

CC Singers name Scott Blakenbaker as new director

Director hopes to welcome in new members By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com The Charles City Singers have a new director to lead ...
CC quilter earns top prizes at Iowa State Fair

CC quilter earns top prizes at Iowa State Fair

Ana Blickenderfer earns first place, fourth place with paper-piecing creations By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com Charles City qu...
19 August 2016
Art-A-Fest: Behind The Booths

Art-A-Fest: Behind The Booths

Charles City’s annual Art-A-Fest remembers one young artist lost, but celebrates a thriving arts community Saturday, Aug. 20 | 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. | C...
From steampunk to kimono

From steampunk to kimono

From steampunk to kimono If shoppers are looking to set themselves apart after Saturday’s Art-A-Fest, Toleka King may have something to offer th...