11 August 2016

Nora Springs men earn state recognition for beer, wine

Staff report Two Nora Springs men have been recognized at the Iowa State Fair for both winemaking and beer brewing prowess. Shawn Wilkins was a...
05 August 2016
Canyon scenes and music dreams

Canyon scenes and music dreams

Series explores 1960s counter-culture   'The Day the Music Died', Charles City Arts Center Aug. 5-26; Gallery opening tonight, 5...
28 July 2016
It’s not too late to knock out summer reading lists

It’s not too late to knock out summer reading lists

By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com There’s not many books that grow up alongside you, and here’s where I warn you. I’m about to ge...
Stampede of progress

Stampede of progress

Stampede –– Party in the Park Central Park, 5-9 p.m.   By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com Any good band kn...
14 July 2016
Death of author, Holocaust survivor inspires reflection

Death of author, Holocaust survivor inspires reflection

By Kate Hayden | A&E Editor We’re going to take a quick detour in this week’s Community Bookshelf. Nobel laureate, Holocaust surviv...
The music of Milk and Honey

The music of Milk and Honey

Regional band keeps music, family in focus   Milk and Honey at Party in the Park 5-9 p.m., Central Park   By Kate...
12 July 2016

Party in the Park this Friday night

To the Press Party down in Chuck Town with the next Party in the Park is 5-9 p.m. Friday, July 15, in Central Park. Friday’s Party in the Park wi...
11 July 2016
Cedar Valley Chamber Music offering free Friday concert

Cedar Valley Chamber Music offering free Friday concert

Charles City one of two guest-hosting cities for musicians Presenting Cedar Valley Chamber Music Charles City Trinity United Methodist C...
30 June 2016
Peace, pixels and purpose

Peace, pixels and purpose

Restlessness gives way to peace for Des Moines artist opening exhibit in CC By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com Judy Sebern Beachy...
29 June 2016
Teddy bears, cooks take to the stage

Teddy bears, cooks take to the stage

Hughes: Once they come, they always come back  By Amie Johansen | amie@charlescitypress.com This Friday roughly 30 third through eighth gr...