23 June 2016
‘American Dame’ takes the stage

‘American Dame’ takes the stage

Directors, former students honor American women over holiday weekend To the Press One of the many July 4th activities in Charles City this...
Floyd artist Janiece Bergland inducted to Fine Arts Hall of Fame

Floyd artist Janiece Bergland inducted to Fine Arts Hall of Fame

To the Press This year’s inductee to the Charles City Fine Arts Hall of Fame is Janiece Bergland, a longtime local choir director and artist....
Returning to the classics with Redline

Returning to the classics with Redline

Bandmates regroup after chance reunion By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com The former high school gang is back together for the m...
21 June 2016
CC Arts Center hosts “Last Ark of Noah” reading

CC Arts Center hosts “Last Ark of Noah” reading

Play explores new interpretation of Old Testament story, author says By Kate Hayden | khayden@charlescitypress.com The Charles City Arts Ce...
20 June 2016

Party in the Park this Friday Night

To the Press Charles City’s 2016 Party in the Park series is in full swing with the next party set for Friday, June 24, in Central Park from 5-9 ...
09 June 2016
Rockin’ in harmony

Rockin’ in harmony

Central Iowa group brings the fun and energy to outdoor shows across the state By Kate Hayden khayden@charlescitypress.com Mary Harding h...
02 June 2016
The ways creation works

The ways creation works

A New York City artist seeks the details of life across the Americas   'New York, Ecuador, Iowa: Paintings and Drawings' by Leonard...
30 May 2016
Residents, visitors join in Fil-Am’s annual celebration

Residents, visitors join in Fil-Am’s annual celebration

Religious, cooking traditions mark Filipino holiday By Mariah McKenzie Press correspondent Saturday, May 28, people from the area came to...
27 May 2016
‘Fabulous 50s’ headline first summer Party in the Park

‘Fabulous 50s’ headline first summer Party in the Park

Des Moines cover band just wants people to dance By Kate Hayden khayden@charlescitypress.com Classic rock affectionados, break out your d...

Under the ‘Flowers of May’

Flores de Mayo returns to Charles City’s Filipino, Catholic community By Kate Hayden khayden@charlescitypress.com The only Flores de Mayo c...