12 August 2021
Ten new positive COVID cases reported in Floyd County over the last week

Ten new positive COVID cases reported in Floyd County over the last week

To the Press The Floyd County Department of Public Health reported 10 new positive cases in the county between Aug. 4-11. According to a release, ...
05 August 2021
COVID-19 cases increasing in Floyd County, following the state trend

COVID-19 cases increasing in Floyd County, following the state trend

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com The number of COVID-19 cases in Floyd County is trending up in the past week. The county spent mos...
15 July 2021
Floyd County now a Test Iowa pickup spot; 7-day COVID-19 positive test average 0.0%

Floyd County now a Test Iowa pickup spot; 7-day COVID-19 positive test average 0.0%

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Beginning today (Friday) Floyd County Public Health will be partnering with the Iowa Department of ...
25 May 2021
Charles City school will help with community COVID vaccine clinic

Charles City school will help with community COVID vaccine clinic

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Charles City schools are working with Floyd County Public Health and Hy-Vee Pharmacy to hold a commun...
17 May 2021
Charles City school relaxes mask rules following state guidelines

Charles City school relaxes mask rules following state guidelines

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Based on new mask guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Iowa...
13 May 2021
CDC says it’s OK for vaccinated folks to go maskless

CDC says it’s OK for vaccinated folks to go maskless

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eased its recommendations for COVID-19 mask precaut...
06 May 2021
Transportation tickets available for COVID-19 vaccine appointments

Transportation tickets available for COVID-19 vaccine appointments

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Floyd County Public Health in cooperation with the Charles City Transit Service is offering Floyd Cou...
26 April 2021
Despite complaints, Fisher holds firm on school district’s mask mandate

Despite complaints, Fisher holds firm on school district’s mask mandate

By James Grob, jgrob@charlescitypress.com Charles City Superintendent of Schools Mike Fisher told the Charles City School District Board of Directors...
15 April 2021
Floyd County passes on latest state vaccine allocation as clinic numbers decline

Floyd County passes on latest state vaccine allocation as clinic numbers decline

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Floyd County is one of 21 Iowa counties that told the state they don’t need this week’s allocatio...
12 April 2021
Fisher: Masks will be worn in school buildings until public health officials recommend otherwise

Fisher: Masks will be worn in school buildings until public health officials recommend otherwise

By James Grob, jgrob@charlescitypress.com Charles City Superintendent of Schools Mike Fisher told the Charles City School District Board of Directors...