22 March 2021
Millions of dollars coming to Floyd County and its cities through COVID funds

Millions of dollars coming to Floyd County and its cities through COVID funds

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com The state of Iowa and its cities and counties are expected to receive a total of almost $2.7 billio...
08 March 2021
Floyd County taking signups for under age 65 with health conditions; vaccine still limited

Floyd County taking signups for under age 65 with health conditions; vaccine still limited

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Thousands more Floyd County residents are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccines, but the amount of vac...
04 March 2021
State expands vaccine eligibility to those under age 65 with health risks

State expands vaccine eligibility to those under age 65 with health risks

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Effective Monday, March 8, Iowa vaccine providers can officially begin vaccinating additional priori...
01 March 2021
Floyd County expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to disabled and their caregivers

Floyd County expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to disabled and their caregivers

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Another group of people will be eligible to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations in Floyd County begin...
22 February 2021
Fisher says that although COVID numbers are much improved, mask mandate still in effect

Fisher says that although COVID numbers are much improved, mask mandate still in effect

By James Grob, jgrob@charlescitypress.com Charles City Superintendent of Schools Mike Fisher told the Charles City School Board of Directors Monday t...
Floyd County COVID-19 vaccination clinic postponed until Thursday because vaccine delayed by weather

Floyd County COVID-19 vaccination clinic postponed until Thursday because vaccine delayed by weather

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com A COVID-19 vaccination clinic by Floyd County Public Health scheduled for this morning (Tuesday) ha...
18 February 2021
State board says Floyd County supervisors COVID-19 agenda item doesn’t satisfy requirements

State board says Floyd County supervisors COVID-19 agenda item doesn’t satisfy requirements

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com A state board voted Thursday afternoon that the Floyd County supervisors did not meet the Iowa Open...
Charles City FFA tackles challenges presented by pandemic

Charles City FFA tackles challenges presented by pandemic

  By James Grob, jgrob@charlescitypress.com Jim Lundberg has been around a long time — and Bret Spurgin is no longer a spring chicken —...
15 February 2021
Floyd County starts online sign-up for COVID-19 vaccinations

Floyd County starts online sign-up for COVID-19 vaccinations

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Floyd County residents have another option to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations starting this week....
11 February 2021
COVID-19 vaccination options expand for age 65 and older; first public clinic held

COVID-19 vaccination options expand for age 65 and older; first public clinic held

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Floyd County residents age 65 and older are starting to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, and the opti...