25 February 2018
Prosecution calls witnesses in Lindaman sex abuse trial

Prosecution calls witnesses in Lindaman sex abuse trial

By Mira Schmitt-Cash, For the Press Jurors in Franklin County District Court heard testimony Friday from three witnesses for the prosecution in the...
23 February 2018
Lindaman says touch was meant to help ‘sexually injured’ teenager

Lindaman says touch was meant to help ‘sexually injured’ teenager

Retrial begins on sex abuse charges By Mira Schmitt-Cash, For the Press Opening statements began Thursday afternoon in Franklin County in the ret...
Nashua-Plainfield High School band selected for state honor

Nashua-Plainfield High School band selected for state honor

Press Staff Report The Nashua-Plainfield High School Concert Band is one of eight bands from the state chosen to perform at the Iowa Bandmasters As...
Tick tock goes the Old Tymer’s clock

Tick tock goes the Old Tymer’s clock

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com Clocks older than their owner tick and tock at Christopher Anthony's home in Charles City. For ab...
21 February 2018
Tribute bricks honoring veterans will surround Floyd County Freedom Rock

Tribute bricks honoring veterans will surround Floyd County Freedom Rock

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com The Floyd County Freedom Rock committee is putting together a tribute to veterans, carving their nam...
Floyd County shed fire’s smoke visible from miles away

Floyd County shed fire’s smoke visible from miles away

Press Staff Report A shed fire between Marble Rock and Greene let loose a cloud of smoke visible from Rockford. Fire departments from Charles C...
20 February 2018
Lindaman trial scheduled to begin Wednesday

Lindaman trial scheduled to begin Wednesday

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com The retrial of a Charles City man on a sex abuse charge is set to begin Wednesday in Franklin County...
19 February 2018
Voters will decide on new county jail, courthouse updates

Voters will decide on new county jail, courthouse updates

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Floyd County voters will be asked their opinion on selling up to $13.5 million in general obligatio...
14 February 2018
Charles City schools have a new community resource officer

Charles City schools have a new community resource officer

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com There's a new face at Charles City schools and he has a badge and smile. Officer Duane Ollendick is ...
13 February 2018
Students, community reach out to assisted living residents

Students, community reach out to assisted living residents

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com Smiles abounded at assisted living centers Tuesday afternoon as Charles City Immaculate Conception a...