19 October 2017
Committee favors single-story option for jail addition

Committee favors single-story option for jail addition

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com A citizens committee looking at options for a new Floyd County law enforcement center has deci...
City elections forum showcases many agreements, key differences

City elections forum showcases many agreements, key differences

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com Candidates for mayor and City Council had a full audience facing them during Thursday evening's forum...
18 October 2017
New equipment for Floyd Fire Department

New equipment for Floyd Fire Department

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com The Floyd Fire Department received 16 new air tanks and breathing apparatus from a FEMA grant Mond...
Williams convicted of second-degree murder

Williams convicted of second-degree murder

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com A Floyd County jury convicted Antoine Williams of murder in the second degree Wednesday morning. ...
17 October 2017
Williams’ fate in jury’s hands

Williams’ fate in jury’s hands

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com Antoine Williams testified for almost two hours Tuesday morning, explaining what happened in the ...
High school students harvest sweet results

High school students harvest sweet results

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com Seventh-grade student Miracle Kolheim and her classmates didn't seem so sure about the raw honey sitti...
Walls take shape around Project 18’s tiny house

Walls take shape around Project 18’s tiny house

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com In the back of the Charles City High School art room, blue tape on the floor is slowly being covered o...
16 October 2017
Defense witnesses describe Williams as gentle, non-violent

Defense witnesses describe Williams as gentle, non-violent

 By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com One after another Monday, witnesses for the defense variously described Antoine Williams as gentl...
15 October 2017
Serving the community

Serving the community

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com The Charles City Fire Department hosted a pancake breakfast fundraiser Sunday morning. The pancak...
13 October 2017
Judge says ‘stand your ground’ law won’t apply in Williams trial

Judge says ‘stand your ground’ law won’t apply in Williams trial

By Bob Steenson, bsteenson@charlescitypress.com The state's new "stand your ground" law will not apply to the murder trial of Antoine Williams, the...