22 March 2017
Fair Board, FFA students prepare for Grand Opening

Fair Board, FFA students prepare for Grand Opening

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Floyd County Youth Enrichment Center Grand Opening, Floyd County Fairgrounds. 5-11 p.m.; park across the street at F...
21 March 2017
RAGBRAI may overlap middle school parking lot improvements, school board learns

RAGBRAI may overlap middle school parking lot improvements, school board learns

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com New improvements on a middle school parking could have some traffic complications before it's even ready...
Preparing for the Cedar River Shiver

Preparing for the Cedar River Shiver

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com One week after Charles City received almost eight inches of snow Floyd County Search and Rescue is g...
20 March 2017
Same host, new venue

Same host, new venue

Annual North/South All-Star Wrestling Meet to be held in Charles City Middle School's competition gym Staff Report CHARLES CITY — The 39th-annua...
Charles City St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Charles City St. Patrick’s Day Parade

  By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com Residents from all over came out to celebrate the day after St. Patrick's Day on the 24th...
17 March 2017
Rockford author, remembered for “Madison County”, dies at 77

Rockford author, remembered for “Madison County”, dies at 77

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com A Floyd County native intricately linked to the covered bridges in Madison County died last week after...
16 March 2017
Area students will see school in June

Area students will see school in June

By Bob Fenske, editor@nhtrib.com Charles City Superintendent Dr. Dan Cox caught a “spring break” Monday morning. While his fellow superintend...
15 March 2017
Plans for a GAPP: German students start fundraising for 2018 exchange

Plans for a GAPP: German students start fundraising for 2018 exchange

By Kate Hayden, khayden@charlescitypress.com The high school workshop didn't stay quiet for long over spring break. Sophomores Kelly Ward and Chas...
14 March 2017
Another winter storm hits Charles City

Another winter storm hits Charles City

By Thomas Nelson, tnelson@charlescitypress.com A winter storm hit Charles City and much of Iowa Sunday and continued into Monday. The storm brou...
13 March 2017
Early morning fire damages CC apartment building

Early morning fire damages CC apartment building

To the Press from the CCFD The Charles City Fire Department responded to a report of an apartment building fire at 906 Gilbert St. at about 12:09 a...