27 November 2015


IN BRIEF 4H CLUB: The Bradford Eager Beaver 4H Club is hosting a pop can drive for Amanda Bearman on Dec. 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Nashua-...
Answering prayers

Answering prayers

NATIONAL ADOPTIOn MONTH Answering prayers Iowa agency, Charles City step up for children in need of families In the summer of 2013, Matt and...
‘Banana creme pie and a blessing’

‘Banana creme pie and a blessing’

THANKSGIVING iN CHARLES CITY ‘Banana creme pie and a blessing’ Community helps out with Thanksgiving Day arrangements Swarming aromas fi...

Charles City church announces ‘Celebrate the Season’ concert

Charles City church announces ‘Celebrate the Season’ concert Wartburg, CCHS, Minnesota and local musicians to perform To the Press The Fi...

Vol. 119, No. 216 1 section, 12 pages

Vol. 119, No. 216 1 section, 12 pages SSN:1049-7242 ......


Broud WEATHER Brought to you by: TODAY: Cloudy skies. High 31F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. TONIGHT: Considerable clouds early. Some decre...
25 November 2015
Youth center sees community backing as contract bidding looms

Youth center sees community backing as contract bidding looms

Youth center sees community backing as contract bidding looms Students’ vision inches closer to life with banks’ support Charles City banks...
Holiday parade to light up the night on Dec. 4

Holiday parade to light up the night on Dec. 4

TIS THE SEASON FOR AMERICA’S HOMETOWN, 2015 Holiday parade to light up the night on Dec. 4 To the Press Community Revitalization in Charle...


Gas over the meadow and through the woods If you are traveling to relatives’ homes for Thanksgiving, here are gas prices you might see on the ro...

Revitalized Santa House set to open for the season

Revitalized Santa House set to open for the season To the Press Get your wish lists ready kids because Santa Claus is coming to town on Friday...