17 April 2014

 The Silver City Kiwanis Club will sponsor an Easter egg hunt in Penny Park from 9…

 The Silver City Kiwanis Club will sponsor an Easter egg hunt in Penny Park from 9:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 19. One thousand plastic eggs will...
10 April 2014

Firefighters jump quickly on Whitewater Fire

By ROGER LANSE Daily Press Staff With the 2011 Quail Ridge Fire certainly in their minds, local fire departments spared little in attacking...
09 April 2014

Legislative staff sought information on lawmaker’s rival

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A Republican lawmaker asked the attorney general’s office Tuesday to investigate whether an ethics law was violate...
03 April 2014

Child welfare reforms announced

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Responding to what she called the tragic death of a 9-year-old Albuquerque boy, Gov. Susana Martinez unveiled more t...
27 March 2014

Town Council hears about project

By ROGER LANSE Daily Press Staff The Silver City Town Council heard from Nancy Gordon, volunteer, at its Tuesday, March 25, meeting, regard...
21 March 2014

Rio Grande cutthroat trout to be stocked in Rio Grande Gorge

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish plans to release almost 10,000 Rio Grande cutthroat trout into the Rio Grande Gorge on Monday, March...
12 March 2014

Fourteen residents file for county offices

Tuesday, March 11, was filing day for those wanting to be on the June 3 primary election ballot for county offices. Fourteen county residents h...
06 March 2014

Voters in Tri- City area elect officials

Voters in the Tri- City area of Bayard, Hurley and Santa Clara had few choices when they went to the polls Tuesday. In the only contested r...
04 March 2014

Despite rain, area remains in drought

While rain during the weekend brought desperately needed moisture, the storm’s benefits are not expected to last long. Most area resident...
25 February 2014

Arizona Senate approves bill allowing livestock owners to shoot wolves

PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Senate has approved a bill that allows livestock owners to shoot wolves protected by federal regulations if the wo...