03 February 2012

 PASSING THROUGH Art Lamely and his girlfriend…

 PASSING THROUGH Art Lamely and his girlfriend, Sue Hemming, passed through Silver City on horseback Thursday afternoon. Lamely began his journey Jul...
02 February 2012

Authorities are still looking for escaped inmate

Authorities continue to look for a man who escaped from the Grant County jail Wednesday morning. Michael Scott Freeman, 35, of Mule Creek, ...
23 January 2012

Bills introduced by area legislators

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff State lawmakers representing Grant County introduced several bills during the opening week of this year’s r...
06 January 2012

Governor proposes reorganization of CYFD

SANTA FE, N. M. ( AP) — Gov. Susana Martinez is proposing a reorganization of the state Children, Youth and Families Department. In her b...
23 December 2011

Local Weather

The forecast calls for a chance of snow showers tonight. Skies should be clear on Saturday. The overnight low temperature should be in t...
01 December 2011

Symphony performance planned

The Mimbres Region Arts Council in partnership with the Grant County Community Concert Association is bringing the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestr...
17 November 2011

Mill Street Debris Cleanup Day scheduled Friday

A Mill Street Debris Cleanup Day is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p. m. Friday. The Gila Resources Information Project, in cooperation with th...
07 November 2011

Little Walnut Picnic Area construction continues

Temporary closure of the Little Walnut Picnic Area on the Silver City Ranger District in the Gila National Forest is expected to continue throu...
13 October 2011

Discussion turns to chickens at council meeting

By ROGER LANSE Daily Press Staff Chickens ruled the roost at the Silver City Town Council meeting Tuesday. Councilor Michael Morones said t...
20 September 2011

Free admission planned at cliff dwellings

National Public Lands Day will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, and Steve Riley, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument superintendent, has announce...