27 November 2009


BLACK FRIDAY BEGINS! Tamera Garcia, above, and Asriel Garcia, at right, browsed the merchandise at Rue 21 early this morning.The sisters were out with...
16 October 2009

(Photo Courtesy of CariSue Flores) ARTIST MET The Mimbres Region Arts Council hosted painter and printmaker Carlene Roters…

(Photo Courtesy of CariSue Flores) ARTIST MET The Mimbres Region Arts Council hosted painter and printmaker Carlene Roters, left, in its Artist Lectur...
09 October 2009

NEW FLAG Jake Redfearn…

NEW FLAG Jake Redfearn, fi eld representative for U. S. Rep. Harry Teague, D- N. M., presented a new fl ag to the town of Hurley on Wednesday, Oct. 7....
22 September 2009

Wolf program discussed at LIWNRC meeting

By MARY ALICE MURPHY Special to the Press The Legislative Interim Water and Natural Resources Committee held its monthly meeting at the Grant ...
18 September 2009

GBIC discusses how to use allocated water

By MARY ALICE MURPHY Special to the Press At the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission meeting Wednesday evening in Gila, attendees expressed how they...
16 September 2009

Suspects sought

The Silver City Police Department is looking for two suspects in a shooting on Aug. 28. The first suspect is Jeremy Reed, 18, of Silver City. ...

Effluent-reuse facility planned in Bayard

The Bayard City Council on Monday night awarded a contract for planning an effluent-reuse facility at the regional sewage-treatment plant south of...
14 September 2009

Meetings set to discuss travel in forest

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff Proposed restrictions regarding the use of motor vehicles on the Gila National Forest will be the subject of 10 upc...

Heroes honored on Sept. 11

By MARY ALICE MURPHY Special to the Press An event organized as “Honor Our Heroes' Day to remember those who died in the terrorist attacks Sept...

New Mexico man pleads guilty in death of wolf

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A southern New Mexico man pleaded guilty Aug. 26 to a charge stemming from the death of a Mexican gray wolf that had be...