25 March 2010

Waterline extension discussed during council meeting

By SILAS FALLSTICH Daily Press Staff An extension to a Silver City waterline was discussed and passed at the Town Council meeting on Tuesday. ...
19 March 2010

Obama supports senators’ immigration overhaul plan

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama, facing criticism from advocates of immigration reform, pledged Thursday “to do everything in my powe...
11 March 2010

First- time jobless claims dropped slightly last week

WASHINGTON ( AP) — The number of newly laid- off workers requesting unemployment benefi ts slipped last week, the latest sign the employment ...
08 March 2010

Stream runoff to be higher than normal

Stream runoff between now and May is expected to be two and one- half times the normal spring volume on the Gila and San Francisco rivers, and ...
05 March 2010

Couple riding across U.S. to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis

A couple from Michigan are riding a tandem bicycle across the country to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis. Richard, 71, and Annette Buo...
17 February 2010

GC lawmakers explain positions on a pair of bills

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff With the state Legislature due to complete its regular annual session this week, lawmakers from Grant County are...
27 November 2009


BLACK FRIDAY BEGINS! Tamera Garcia, above, and Asriel Garcia, at right, browsed the merchandise at Rue 21 early this morning.The sisters were out with...
16 October 2009

(Photo Courtesy of CariSue Flores) ARTIST MET The Mimbres Region Arts Council hosted painter and printmaker Carlene Roters…

(Photo Courtesy of CariSue Flores) ARTIST MET The Mimbres Region Arts Council hosted painter and printmaker Carlene Roters, left, in its Artist Lectur...
09 October 2009

NEW FLAG Jake Redfearn…

NEW FLAG Jake Redfearn, fi eld representative for U. S. Rep. Harry Teague, D- N. M., presented a new fl ag to the town of Hurley on Wednesday, Oct. 7....
22 September 2009

Wolf program discussed at LIWNRC meeting

By MARY ALICE MURPHY Special to the Press The Legislative Interim Water and Natural Resources Committee held its monthly meeting at the Grant ...