Jump, jive and dine with CCHS jazz

By Mariah McKenzie, contributor
On Tuesday, March 28 the jazz program of the Charles City High School will be holding the annual Jivin with Jazz dinner. A new thing about this year is the jazz choir, which will be performing along with the middle school-high school hybrid jazz band and the high school jazz ensemble.
Derek Sturtevant is directing the jazz choir. It is Sturtevant’s first year directing here in Charles City. Jake Gassman will be directing the middle-high school jazz band and the jazz ensemble. Gassman has been directing the jazz band for eight years.
“The vocal jazz group adds a mix in between because they definitely approach jazz in a different way, as vocalists,” Gassman said.
In the middle-high school jazz band I am playing the violin. I asked Gassman what it was like having a string player other than a bass playing with the group.
“It’s very different on my ears, I was surprised by that. Hearing the string texture come through and it was interesting for me to experience it,” Gassman said. “It fits the the music that’s used.”
Gassman has seen other jazz bands with violin players before.
“I just haven’t had a violin player that’s wanted to play. This was just a neat opportunity. I’m learning new things and I’m trying to figure out ways to employ them a little bit more,” Gassman said.
The hybrid jazz band group is made up of middle schoolers and high schoolers.
“Freshmen first of all get the chance to sit up higher in the group but they are also grouped more with people that are similar in ability,” Gassman said. “There’s not a huge ability gap a lot of time between that grade, it’s a progressive thing.”
For Gassman, it evolves around communicating with both the middle school and high school administrators.
Come out and hear the jazz program perform March 28 at the Trinity United Methodist church at 6 p.m.
“You get a full evening. We’re going to be there a couple of hours eating and chatting and listening to some great jazz music,” Gassman said. “A good portion of what we use in the jazz program has been purchased through the Jivin with Jazz dinner.”
The food will be served by Dave Holschlag, the owner of Dave’s restaurant in Charles City.
“The jazz band spends a lot of time traveling. We perform out of town more. So to come back and play for the home crowd and to have a chance to raise some money for the program is a unique opportunity,” Gassman said.
Friday, March 24 is the last day to buy tickets. To buy tickets contact Gassman through the school or the Chamber of Commerce has order forms. Dinner tickets cost $15 and on the night of the event dessert tickets will be sold for $5 per dessert. The doors will open at 5:45 p.m. and the service will begin at 6:15 p.m.
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