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Seeing the light on a dark night

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Seeing the light on a dark night

Dear Heloise: One night, I came home late and noticed that I had forgotten to turn on my FRONT-PORCH LIGHT.

It was really dark, and without the light I knew I was going to have trouble getting my key into the keyhole.

At that same time, my cellphone rang. Upon answering it, I noticed just how much it lit up the very dark interior of my car. That’s when it hit me: My phone had a flashlight! Problem solved.

— Rose M., Victoria, Texas

Yes, the multiple features that are on these phones seem to be making us more and more dependent on them. On the plus side, it does eliminate the need to carry a mirror or a small flashlight in purses anymore!

— Heloise BOOKING FLIGHTS Dear Readers: As the holidays are quickly approaching, booking flights

may be part of what you need

to get around to doing!

Well, if you’re trying to

be cost-efficient, knowing

the difference between

nonstop flights and direct flights is a good start. Did

you know that these two are not interchangeable and are distinctly different?

Direct flights can have any

number of stops along the way.

In these flights, passengers

may exit and others may board, but you will not leave this plane until you reach your destination.

Even though this may require more time to get to your destination, it may also be less expensive than a nonstop flight. Nonstop flights are just that: There are no stops between your departure city and your destination city. So if you are in a hurry to get to your destination in the shortest time possible, book this type of flight.

The cost may be slightly higher than that of a direct

flight, so always compare prices

before you book.

— Heloise

Hints from Heloise


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