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Senior Center Christmas Party planned for Dec. 5

Senior Center Christmas Party planned for Dec. 5

Charles City Senior Citizen members have a very special and unique opportunity to hear Doc Anderson of Nevada, IA at their annual Christmas Party, Saturday, Dec. 5, beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. He’ll be giving a light hearted 30 minute comedy program that’s filled with humor, interactive stories, and some nostalgia about Doc’s experiences growing up among carnies, hucksters, and pitchmen. There’s even some magic tricks and lots of audience involvement. It’s down-home, corny humor, clean entertainment that will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Christmas carols will be sung and all members will be asked to bring treats to share with the group. The board will be making sandwiches and will provide coffee and Christmas cider. Those wishing to join the Senior Citizens should take their membership dollars to Kenny Elliott or Noriene North, Monday through Friday from 9-11 a.m., or send to: Senior Citizens, 900 Hulin St., Charles City, attention membership.

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