Charles City school district officials take comments and answer questions at listening post

Press photo by Bob Steenson
By Bob Steenson,
Charles City school district residents and district staff and school board members chatted about the proposed high school renovation plan and other issues at a listening post held by the school district Thursday evening at the Comet Bowl.
School board members Robin Macomber, Missy Freund and board President Jason Walker attended, along with high school and middle school Associate Principal Larry Wolfe.
A large display showed the latest proposal for a major renovation project at the high school, and a couple of people had questions about that, Freund said.
She also talked with a woman about transportation issues and bullying on a school bus.
Freund said the district takes any allegations of bullying seriously and encouraged the woman to use the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report form that is available on the school district website,, under the Bully Reporting pulldown tab.
Reports can be made anonymously if the person reporting feels more comfortable not being identified, Freund said.
Ryan Fank, the new co-head wrestling coach for the Comets, asked questions and had comments about the space — or lack, thereof, as he saw it — for weight-lifting in the proposed high school renovation plans.
Fank was concerned that current crowded conditions will not be alleviated under the new plan, and he was also concerned about how wrestling practice space would be arranged.
Diane Meyer talked with a small group of school officials about plans for the proposed school athletic complex, including how the baseball and softball diamonds were laid out.
This is the third time the school district has held a listening post.
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