Three hired for leadership positions at GRMC
Gila Regional Medical Center has announced that three leadership positions have been filled by “ local and internal caregivers,’ according to a news release.
“ We have focused on hiring internal and local talent first before looking outside the area,’ Brian Cunningham, chief executive officer, said. “This has saved us significant recruiting and salary costs.’
Elizabeth “ Beth’ Allred has accepted the chief financial officer position.
She has been a part of the GRMC team since 1992, the release stated, serving in positions from director of registration, director of costaccounting to assistant vice president of finance/ controller. Allred has a master of business degree from Western New Mexico University and has served as the CFO understudy in GRMC’s succession planning program.
“Thirty years ago when Hillcrest grew into Gila Regional, a new building came with a new way of management — a hired national management agency,’ Allred said. “ Today our hospital has returned to local management. Now is the time to make real the promise of healing, of coming together to create excellence in patient- centered care in our hospital home.’
Jed Rudd has accepted the assistant vice president of operations position.
He has been part of the GRMC team since 2009, serving in positions from occupational therapist, to director of rehab and wellness, and director of operations, the release stated. He has a master of science degree in occupational therapy from Touro University Nevada, holds a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, and is a master of business administration candidate at WNMU.
“Improving our operationsis key to solvingour financial problems,’ Rudd said. “ We can face these uncertain times by bringing people together with the right tools. We are the right people; we can do it together.’
Dan Otero has accepted the chief operations officer position.
Otero has held a variety of roles over his 24 years in health care, according to the release. Prior to joining Planetreeas senior consultant for Patient Centered Lean Services in 2008, his experiences took him across the health care continuum from EMTparamedic, adjunct paramedic ALS instructor, to director of staff development, director of quality management and director of Planetree at GRMC.
He has a bachelor of
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science degree in health care administration, a Lean Six Sigma Silver certification and is a master of business candidate at the University of the Southwest in Hobbs.
“Together we can enhance the care experience by directly involving caregivers in the improvement process,’ Otero said. “This approach can bring greater process efficiency and effectiveness, while improving financial returns.’
“GRMC will not be replacing the positions Allred and Rudd previously held,’ the release stated. “This will decrease leadership full-time positions by two positions, resulting in saving GRMC salary dollars.’
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