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Legislative session under way in Santa Fe


Daily Press Staff

The regular annual session of the New Mexico Legislature began today, with Democrats selecting their leader in the Senate and the governor delivering her State of the State address.

Sen. Howie Morales, D- Silver City, said early this morning that the battle for the Senate president pro tempore position was too close to call.

The Democratic Party caucus late last year voted to back Sen. Pete Campos of Las Vegas for the job, but Sen. Mary Kay Papen of Las Cruces mounted a challenge.

“ We met last night and nothing was resolved,’ Morales said. “ We’re meeting again at 10 o’clock this morning.’

The results of the meeting were not known by press time.

“ I want to ensure that we as a caucus are as united as possible,’ Morales said. “ Right now, Papen may have the edge, but it could be a tie.’

He told the Daily Press he was supporting Campos, because that was the earlier caucus choice.

Morales noted that, while Papen may be more conservative than Campos on fiscal matters, she “ has been somewhat more liberal in her votes’ on social issues.

Regarding the governor’s speech, Morales said he is opposed to several of her initiatives. He called her proposal to lower the corporate tax rate “ one ofthe worst things we could do.’

He noted that teachers and other state employees have had their salaries cut because of the recession and the state’s declining revenues in recent years. He said the $ 40 million being proposed for corporate tax breaks should instead be spent on restoring those salary reductions.

Morales contended that it is wrong to “ reward corporations that aren’t even (based) in our state.’

He criticized the governor for omitting from her proposed budget any salary increase for state employees.

Restoring the pay cuts “would help small businesses and our economy’ because “people would have more money to spend,’ according to Morales.

After the Legislature convened at noon today, the governor was to deliver her speech to a joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives.

She was expected to advocate for early- childhood reading initiatives, an end to granting driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants, and several other proposals that the Democratic- controlled Legislature has rejected in the past.

During the 60-day session, lawmakers must approve a budget to finance schools and government programs.

State offi cials expect to have about $ 283 million available for spending increases and to offset tax cuts, The Associated Press reported.

Jim Owen may be reached at jowen@ silvercitydailypress. net.

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