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Bear spotted in town

Three Silver City residents reported seeing a bear in town Tuesday morning and evening.

Police received a telephone call at 9:16 a.m., informing them that the animal had come out of a ditch and onto a sidewalk near doctors’ offices on 32nd Street. A few minutes later, another caller reported the bear on North Loop.

A “shelter-in-place’ order was imposed on Silver High School, meaning no one was allowed to leave the building. The order was rescinded 20 minutes later, after officers with the Silver City Police Department and Grant County Sheriff’s Department were unable to find the bear.

Another resident reported seeing a bear near Gila Regional Medical Center at about 9 p.m. Tuesday. Police Chief Ed Reynolds said it probably was the same bear that was spotted earlier. Again, officers did not find the animal. They continued to patrol the area this morning.

Police called the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, but were told that no one was available to respond. Reynolds said that if his officers had located the bear, they would have tried to corral it until department personnel arrived.

The number of bear sightings in communities throughout New Mexico has been increasing in recent months. Experts have said animals’ food supply in the mountains has been affected by drought, fires, habitat loss and climate change.

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