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Senator discusses projected budget surplus


Daily Press Staff

State Sen. Howie Morales, D- Silver City, is calling for the Legislature to use a projected budget surplus to restore cuts imposed in recent years on public employees and programs serving “ the most vulnerable.’

Lawmakers and Gov. Susana Martinez will have $ 272 million available in the 2013- 14 fiscal year for spending increases on government programs and to offset any tax cuts that may be enacted, according to a financial forecast released Wednesday.

If all of the money is added to the state’s budget next year, it will allow for spending increases of 4.8 percent, The Associated Press reported.

Top officials in the Martinez administration outlined the revenue projections to Morales and other members of the Legislative Finance Committee during a meeting in Angel Fire.

Lawmakers were cautioned that global economic weakness, volatility in oil and natural-gas prices, and the possibility of federal spending cutbacks pose “downside risks’ to New Mexico’s revenue outlook in the fiscal year starting next July. The state relies heavily on taxes and royalties from energy production.

“ We’re slowly but surely turning the corner of the national recession,’ Morales said. “ But we have to be really careful because natural- gas prices are unpredictable. There could be risks in assuming the whole $ 270 million will be there.’

He told the Daily Press that the top priority for spending any of the so- called “ new’ money should be allowing to expire July 1 a 1.5 percent surcharge on the amount public employees pay for their pensions. The Martinez administration has proposed making the extra payment permanent.

Morales said it would cost about $ 75 million to let the surcharge expire and return the required retirementaccount contribution to the 2008 level. He noted that while tax- hike proposals are roundly criticized, “ when you cut people’s pay, that’s the same as a tax increase.’

Among those affected are teachers; firefighters; lawenforcement officers; and employees of the Human Services Department, Children, Youth and Families Department, Department of Health and Environment Department.

“ We need to invest in those who are caring for the people in our state,’ Morales said.

He favors spending much of the surplus on restoring cuts the Legislature has imposed in recent years on programs for seniors, veterans, people with disabilities and others.

Serving those who are “ the most vulnerable’ and who “ may not have a voice’ in the political process is more important than giving tax breaks and other financial gifts to large corporations considering a move to New Mexico, according to Morales.

“ We’re going to have to be really careful about what tax breaks we give. Before we give incentives to corporations, it’s important to take care of the highest priorities in our state. The best investment is the one we make in the people and businesses that are already here,’ he said.

The Associated Press reported: The state expects economic growth to boost total revenue collections by 4 percent in the 2014 fi scal year to about $ 5.9 billion.

The revenue outlook for next year is somewhat stronger than when lawmakers developed this year’s budget, which provides for a 4 percent ($ 219 million) spending increase.

The revenue projections are critical because lawmakers and the governor will rely on them in making budget decisions during the 60-day legislative session that starts in January. Economists for the Martinez administrationand the Legislature prepare the revenue forecast and will update it before the Legislature convenes.

According to the latest report, revenues should be $ 18 million higher than expected in the current budget year, which started in July. However, economists project revenues will be about 1 percent lower than in 2012.

Finance andAdministration Secretary Tom Clifford and Taxation and RevenueSecretary Demesia Padilla said in a statement that the decline is mainly because oil and gas prices are expected to drop somewhat.

The state ended the last fiscal year with cash reserves of more than $ 700 million, which is the equivalent of 13 percent of spending. However, some of that could be used for one- time spending projects, such as capital improvements, or to supplement this year’s budget for some programs.

Revenues in the 2012 budget year ended up $ 218 million higher than anticipated, mainly because of revenues from increased oil production.

About $224 million should be available for capital projects from bonds backed by severance taxes, which require approval of the Legislature but not voters.

Jim Owen may be reached at jowen@ silvercitydaily

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