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Race has ‘economic impact’ on area

The Tour of the Gila bicycle races last year had an “ economic impact’ of more than one- half million dollars in Grant County, according to a study.

Steve Chavez of Western New Mexico University wrote that the event:

• Created 8.9 jobs ( full and part time);

• Generated $164,708 in personal income ( including proprietor revenue, wages and benefits);

• Returned to the county economy $ 3.44 for each local dollar invested; and

• Had an economic impact of $ 561,531.

“ Since the Tour of the Gila has been in existence in Grant County for 26 years, it is part of the economy,’ Chavez wrote in his report. “ The results mentioned above should be thought of as losses that would occur in the economy if the ( event) ceased to exist.’

He noted that his estimates “ represent only those economic impacts related to out- of- county funding ( that) typically comes from sponsorships and entry fees, (which accounts for) 46.5 percent of the race budget.’

Cash prizes totaling $ 76,000 were awarded during last year’s races. The money came from entrance fees.

“ Since almost all the participants are from out of the area, it is assumed that this money will leave the local economy,’ the report stated.

However, Chavez wrote that “ it is likely’ the racers and others who come for the event fill Silver City’s motels, hotels, bed- and- breakfast facilities, and cottages. The town has 548 rooms available, according to the Silver City- Grant County Chamber of Commerce.

Total spending for lodging due to the races was estimated at $ 314,600 last year. Chavez pointed out that “ this cannot all be counted as additional economic impact … because other tourists are displaced by the visitors to the Tour of the Gila, ( so) normal occupancy rates must be deducted.’

Though normal occupancy rates are not available, Chavez said information provided by four motels indicated they are 70 percent full during summer months. If that is true, 30 percent ( 164) of the rooms can be attributed to the races.

The study reveals that the budget for the 2012 event was about $ 304,400. About $ 162,900 of that total came from local sources.

“ The percentage of the budget that originated outside the local economy is 46.5 percent,’ Chavez wrote. “ For purposes of economic impact, we seek to identify local purchases made with outside funding. The portion of the budget that originated outside Grant County is the portion that counts for local economic impact.’

Race administration spent about $ 59,800 ( excluding lodging) within the county during last year’s event, according to the study.

To estimate how much individuals spent during the races, Chavez said he conducted 75 personal interviews and received responses to an online survey from 172 people. About 99 percent of the respondents lived outside the county. “ Economic- impact studies are often incapable of capturing the total value of an event such as the Tour of the Gila,’ the study stated. “ The race likely spawns other economic impacts at other times of the year. The most likely is increased bicycle tourism in the area.’ Chavez noted that, according to race co- director Jack Brennan, “ many participants come to the area at other times of the year to train ( and) others are attracted to the area for other reasons.’

The study also suggested that the event enhances “ community stature, social interaction and community pride.’

The Tour of the Gila began in 1987. This year’s event is scheduled for May 1-5.

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