Wildfire defensive measures discussed by offi cials
Gila National Forest offi cials are advising property owners to take precautions to protect their homes from wildfire.
“Spring has officially sprung and, according to the National Weather Service, we are in for a drier- thannormal spring in our neck of the woods,’ they wrote in a news release.
“ This is due to the climate phenomenon known an La Ni-a, which occurs every two to five years and often leads to extreme weather events such as the droughtlike conditions the Southwest is experiencing now and ( that are) predicted to continue into possibly early June,’ the release stated.
Increased wind and low humidity also are forecast, further escalating the fire danger.
“ Taking prevention measures is extremely critical during these very dry conditions, especially for homes near grassy or forested areas,’ officials said.
They advised homeowners to: • “Defi ne defensible space( by creating) a 30- foot zone of fire- resistant space around your home; • “Reduce flammable vegetation and brush around your home; • “ Reduce the density of nearby trees, remove or thin overcrowded or smalldiameter trees, ( and) prune low-hanging branches; • “Keep grass and weeds cut to less than 4 inches; • “Clear wood piles and building materials away from homes and outbuildings, ( and) clear brush at least 10 feet away from wood and debris piles; • “ Clear pine needles, leaves and debris from your yard, roof and gutters to eliminate ignition sources; ( and) remove overhanging and dead limbs; • “Choose fire- resistant roofing materials like composition shingles, metal or tile; ( and) install spark arrestors on chimneys to prevent sparks from igniting the roof or surrounding vegetation; • “Instead of burning, recycle or compost yard waste; • “Post easy-to-read address signs and trim vegetation away from driveways so firefighters can fi nd and access your home quickly’; and • “Keep a 72-hour kit handy; know the evacuation routes from your neighborhood; and practice with your family, using a checklist of what to take and how to prepare your home before leaving.’
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