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Bills introduced by area legislators


Daily Press Staff

State lawmakers representing Grant County introduced several bills during the opening week of this year’s regular state legislative session.

House Bill 101, sponsored by Rep. Dianne Hamilton, R- Silver City, would appropriate $ 250,000 to the Veterans’ Services Department for a pilot program in Grant County.

The initiative wouldinvolve a computer system providing virtual- reality treatment for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to Hamilton, who said the operation could be set up in a van with a social worker, the technology has a “ cure rate’ of more than 80 percent. It also can be used to help victims of other traumatic events.

The program could involve a partnership with Western New Mexico University,which has a master’s degree program in social work, Hamilton said.

Rep. Rudy Martinez, D-Bayard, has introduced jointmemorial legislation ( a bill not making an appropriation) “ requesting the Veterans’ Services Department to … study the unmet behavioralhealth and primary healthcare needs of veterans in southwestern New Mexico.’

The bill, HJM 8, notes that “ state and federal governments have notprovided sufficient services to provide (for the) needs of veterans.’

It states: “ Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 358 (in Grant County) has been working tirelessly, day after day, to provide support and assistance to veterans in Grant County. ( The chapter) worked with the community to develop a federal veterans center. However, the center was placed in Las Cruces. A social worker from the center serves the Grant County areaonce per week, (assisting about) 70 veterans in three groups.’

One of the problems, according to the legislation, is that primary health- care funds from the federal government “ are depleted within the first quarter of each year.’

The findings of the study are to be reported to a legislative committee by Nov. 1, after which officials will develop an “ action plan.’

Martinez is sponsoring another measure, House Bill 99, to appropriate $50,000 to the Veterans’ Services Department “ to study the need for a state cemetery for members of the U.S. National Guard and Reserves.’

He explained that such a site is needed because those veterans are not eligible for burial in national cemeteries.

House Bill 98, also introduced by Martinez, would include six- year members of the National Guard and Reserves in the definition of “ veteran’ in the Veterans’ Services Department Act.

Sen. Howie Morales, D- Silver City, introduced Senate Bill 122, relating to salvage- vehicle pool sales. It would require that automotive dismantlers have a state license, to protect consumers, he said.

Another measure sponsored by Morales, Senate Bill 98, would appropriate $ 2.1 million to the state Department of Health to fund a program serving families, infants and toddlers.

Morales said the bill would restore $500,000 that has been cut in recent years from program, which aids children with disabiities. The money “ would restore the program to ensure the state can meet the Medicaid ( funding) match,’ he told the Daily Press.

The funding would “ maintain the quality of early- intervention services … and address shortages in rural areas; cover the cost of (those) services; (and) comply with increased federal and state regulations and quality demands,’ the bill states.

Jim Owen may be reached at jowen@ silvercitydaily

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