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Runoff from snowmelt expected to be below average this spring


Daily Press Staff

The streamflow volume resulting from this spring’s snowmelt in southwest New Mexico is forecast to be half or less of the historical average, based on the amount of precipitation received so far this winter.

In the Upper Gila-San Francisco river basin, the runoff will range from 50 percent of normal on the San Francisco River at Clifton to 40 percent of average on the Gila River below Blue Creek (near Virden), according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

“Precipitation (in the basin in) February was sparse, with 49 percent of average received,’ the agency wrote in its monthly report. “Year-to-date precipitation (since Oct. 1) is also well below normal, at 60 percent. Snowpack in the basin is 71 percent of (the historical) median.’

On the Mimbres River, the forecast calls for a streamflow of 760 acre-feet (51 percent of average) between March and May. February precipitation was 60 percent of normal, and the snowpack was 59 percent of median on March 1, according to the NRCS.

“February brought a series of cooler storm systems through New Mexico, but most did not carry much moisture with them,’ officials wrote. “Snowpack levels did creep up slightly in most basins, but nearly all areas remain significantly below normal for this time of year.

“As we near what should be peak snowpack for the year,’ the report continued, “conditions remain very disappointing virtually statewide. Year-to-date precipitation also remains well below normal, with most basins receiving only 50-75 percent of average since Oct. 1. Runoff forecasts reflect this dry trend, with all forecast points in the state expecting less than 75 percent of normal runoff.

“This will have a major impact on water users throughout the runoff season,’ the NRCS predicted. “Very little time remains to make up deficits this snow season, and the odds of seeing even close to normal runoff are virtually zero.

“Mid- to low-elevation snowpack is nearly nonexistent. At this point in the season, the odds that the numbers will build up much are diminishing daily. Water managers and users need to be prepared for much-lower-than-average snow-water availability going into the runoff season.’

Jim Owen may be reached at

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