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Package of bills to help public schools, students

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman has introduced a package of bills aimed at reforming America’s public schools by raising academic standards and helping students achieve them.

Bingaman was one of the main authors of the No Child Left Behind law, according to a press release. The NCLB has expired and Congress is due to write new legislation governing federal education policy.

The first of the bills Bingaman has introduced, according to the release, is the Graduation Promise Act, which would direct additional funds to assist low-income or disadvantaged high school students.

The second bill, termed the Achievement Through Technology and Innovation Act of 2011, would provide $ 1 billion to train teachers, purchase education technology hardware andsoftware, and support student technology literacy.

The third piece of legislation, called the Advanced Programs Act of 2011, would continue at least the current funding level of $ 43.25 million to cover the cost of Advanced Placement fees and expand the training of teachers who administer these AP courses.

“ I believe if we are going to remain competitive in the global economy, we must improve the quality of public education in our country. Taken together, I believe these bills will have a very important impact on our nation’s schools,’ Bingaman said.

In addition to his own three bills, Bingaman is the co-sponsor of a fourth bill, the Time for Innovation Matters in Education Act, which would increase federal funding to support expanded learning times.

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