Continuing drought hurting area ranchers
Daily Press Staff
The continuing drought is severely straining the budgets of ranchers, many of whom have been forced to haul water and feed to their cattle.
The much- awaited “monsoon’ season has so far produced spotty rain, with some areas getting little moisture. There has not been enough precipitation to provide significant relief from a long period of parched conditions.
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, most of southwest New Mexico remains in “ exceptional’ drought, the most severe category.
January through June reportedly was the driest period on record at Fort Bayard, where measurements have been taken since 1867. The National Weather Service says 2011 has been the third- driest year in state history.
“ There are some awfully bad places,’ said Pete Walden, agriculture agent with the Grant County Extension Service. “ There are places that still haven’thad any rain.’
He pointed out that Mule Creek, and the area between Mangas and Cliff, are particularly dry.
“ On the high ranches, if it doesn’t rain pretty quick, it’s going to get too cold at night for that grass to grow,’ Walden warned.
Ranchers have been forced to do “ a lot of supplemental feeding, hoping it’s still going to rain,’ he said.
Cakes or cubes packed with protein and energy ( and sweetened with molasses) are being used to feed stock. The material costs about $ 300 a ton. One rancher reportedly is feeding five pounds percow each day.
“ That adds up pretty quick,’ Walden said, explaining that the cattle need the special feed because “ last year’s grass doesn’t have any protein this time of year; it’s just a filler.’
Ranchers also have had to provide water to their animals because stock tanks are dry. High gas prices make hauling water “ very expensive,’ Walden said.
“ If it doesn’t rain substantially in the next three or four weeks, (some producers) are going to have to look at herd reductions,’ he told the Daily Press.
That is already happeningin southeastern New Mexico, where cattle growers are selling off their stock “ at an alarming rate,’ the Clovis News Journal reported.
According to the newspaper’s story, weekly cattle sales at the Clovis Livestock Auction have almost tripled in the past two months.
Walden said that, while cattle “ prices have been good,’ he fears they soon will begin dropping because of the increased supply. That is “ typical in a drought situation,’ he noted.
Jim Owen may be reached at jowen@ silvercitydaily
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