The Weekly Word: Count your blessings
By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, Gospel Lighthouse Church, Floyd
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
— Ephesians 3:30 NIV
The old hymn encourages us to count our blessings and name them one by one. Doctors confirm that people who are regularly grateful lead happier lives and enjoy better emotional health, and it even leads to better physical health.
If ever we needed to count our blessings, it’s now. 2020 tested us.

We have been bombarded by bad news. The pandemic closed churches, schools, and businesses. This caused much pain, stress, and isolation.
Seeing loved ones suffer with COVID-19 is difficult. Losing some of them to the virus is devastating. My wife lost her father to COVID-19 in November. Many other families have shared this heartbreaking experience.
It is easy for us to become frightened and bitter, but in the midst of all the bad news, God gives us good news. There is a lot to give thanks for. He is with us and He is in control.
Looking back over 2020, I discovered some real blessings the Lord sent my way despite the pandemic. I want to take this time to count my blessings and name them one by one.
1) At my yearly physical at Mayo Clinic last June, they discovered a spot on my upper-left lung. They sent me to a surgeon to discuss a major surgery to remove half of my left lung. The surgeon ordered one more test and to my doctor’s surprise it was not cancer. What a blessing! No surgery was needed. I just needed to take some meds to resolve my issue.
2) In August, after 10 years of marriage, our youngest daughter and her husband had a beautiful baby boy, Asher Isaac Wendland. What a tremendous gift from God!
3) In September, the pandemic forced us to cancel our yearly fundraiser for Lighthouse Academy, the 2020 Floyd Gospel Sing, but the Lord has provided in ways that have exceeded our expectations.
I think you understand my point. Something good happens when we count our blessings and name them one by one. We will be surprised what the Lord has done.
The Word of God is true. He blesses us beyond all we could ask or imagine, even in the midst of a pandemic. Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives.
Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips have been honored to serve the Gospel Lighthouse Church since 1981. To find out more about their ministry go to
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