The Weekly Word: His Banner of Love
By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, The Gospel Lighthouse Church, Floyd
Is there any greater theme than love? In the Song of Solomon, we read: His banner over us is love. Jesus Christ’s love for the individual and His church is the main theme of this beautiful book of the Bible.
We can clearly see love in Jesus’ life. He taught by example and showed how we should treat others.
Do you remember how He dealt with the woman at the well? He extended kindness to her.

What about the woman caught in adultery? He showed compassion and granted her forgiveness.
And then there was the sinful woman who showed up at Simon’s house and washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. She was sorry for her sins and Jesus forgave her. She was criticized by the self-righteous, but Jesus defended her and praised her for her sacrificial worship.
All of these examples are beautiful and touch the heart deeply, but the way Jesus treated Judas surpasses them all.
Jesus knew Judas was about to betray Him, but He still washed his feet. You would think Judas would have come to his senses by this kind and humble act, but Judas’ heart was cold. He was determined to sell Jesus for a few pieces of silver. And we can’t forget when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
Evil often wears a mask to conceal its true purpose. This heinous act did not stop Jesus from calling Judas, “Friend,” even though he betrayed Him.
The best news of all is that Jesus wants to reveal His love to you. He wants His banner of love to be over your life, your family, and your future.
Would you be willing to give Him a chance to make a difference in your life? He will forgive you and pour His love into your heart.
His love has power, and it changes everything. There is nothing greater than His love.
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Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips have been honored to serve the Gospel Lighthouse Church, 205 Madison Street, in Floyd, since 1981. Sunday worship services are at 10:30 a.m. To find out more about the church and ministry go to
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