The Weekly Word: What a friend we have in Jesus
By the Rev. Daniel Larson, Pastor, Cross Lutheran Church
It has been said that a friend is someone who knows all about me and likes me anyway. Have you heard that description of a friend? How would you define what a friend is?
Are you happy with the friends you have? Do you wish you had more friends, or different friends, or friends who were more faithful in their friendship with you?
It is interesting that when God created people, He designed us with a need for friendship. He stated, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). So, we have this need for friendships, but faithful friends might be hard to come by.

In social media, friends often refer to each other as BFFs — Best Friends Forever. But, sometimes those best friends can turn on each other and become more like enemies than friends.
No matter how close you may become, there is no best friend who knows all about you. You will always have innermost secrets that will remain locked up. And oftentimes, you will have deeper feelings within you than you realize yourself.
However, there is one who does know all about you; even your innermost thoughts and desires. That one is God.
He knows that you need someone whom you can pour out your heart to, and share all your secret thoughts with. He is willing to be that one faithful friend whom you can turn to in all situations.
But do you want God to be your best friend, especially when He does know everything about you? After all, He says in His Word, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves” (1 John 1:8).
But, though all of us are mired in sin — as disgusting and ugly as those sins can be — God still wants to be our friend. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, into this world so long ago.
He came to do what only the best of friends would do: He came to lay down His life for you and all people. He came to stand in for you and take God’s punishment for your sins upon Himself, dying on the cross by crucifixion.
And because Jesus arose from the grave, that is proof that God has accepted His Son’s sacrifice, wiping away all your sin and guilt. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God would want you to trust Jesus as your Best Friend — the most faithful friend you could ever have!
“Oh, What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” as the hymn goes! He knows all about us, and He knows everything we need. He loves us without conditions. Indeed, we will never find a more faithful friend than Jesus. He is a true friend whom we can always trust.
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We at Cross Lutheran Church cordially invite you to safely worship with us every Sunday to learn more about Jesus as your Redeemer and Best Friend.
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