The Weekly Word: Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, Gospel Lighthouse Church, Floyd
“We have seen His star in the East, and have come to worship Him.”
— Matthew 2:2
Years ago I purchased a snow globe from the local Red Owl Store in Charles City. I gave it to my wife for Christmas. It had a little quote written on the inside of it that read: “We have seen His star.”
That simple gift touched our hearts. It made the Christmas story come alive to us. We knew we, too, had seen His star. It was a sacred God moment that we will never forget.

We have been so thankful for the Lord’s guiding light all these years. He has shined His light on our marriage, family and ministry. Our lives have been blessed beyond measure because of the Light of the World, and the help He gives through His Word and presence.
The light of Jesus gives purpose, direction and great confidence in Him.
The Bible tells us that after the wise men presented gifts to the young Child, they went home a different way. How is their story relevant to you? Because all of heaven is trying to lead you to Jesus. When you find and experience Him, your life will be completely transformed. You will want to go on a different path in life.
This Christmas, let’s bend our knees before Jesus like those Magi. Let’s worship Him with our gifts and our whole heart.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
— Matthew 2:10
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Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips have been honored to serve the Gospel Lighthouse Church, 205 Madison Street, in Floyd, since 1981. Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday’s worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday night Bible study is at 6:30.To find out more about the church and ministry go to
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