Charles City FFA to be recognized nationally as a Model of Excellence

By Travis Fischer,
Charles City FFA students are getting ready for a trip after being recognized as one of the top 10 chapters in the nation for Model of Excellence.
Twelve students will be traveling to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis later this month where they will be recognized among their peers across the country.
“To make the top 10 is a pretty significant thing,” said FFA instructor Bret Spurgin.
This is the fourth consecutive year that Charles City’s FFA chapter has been a national finalist in one category or another, but the Model of Excellence is of particular significance as it rates the program as a whole. Charles City’s FFA students will be recognized for exhibiting exemplary qualities in all categories, demonstrating how they are growing as leaders, building their community and strengthening agriculture.
“That’s the overall program,” said Spurgin. “The great thing about it is that it’s recognizing all the work they do throughout the year.”
While the FFA students are already being recognized for being one of the top chapters in the country, they aren’t quite done yet. Chapter President Trevor Carolan, Vice-President Payton Hadley and Reporter Kylie Blunt have been working on a presentation to present to the national FFA judges.
“We’re trying to get into the top three right now,” said Hadley.
On Tuesday, Hadley, Carolan and Blunt will give a virtual presentation of their slideshow to national FFA judges, showcasing what their chapter has done and how it applies to the Model of Excellence qualities.
“We picked activities that are meaningful to our chapter,” said Hadley.
If selected as a top three chapter, the Charles City students won’t just be presented at the national convention, but presenting as well.
“We’re just excited,” said Hadley. “We’re ready to go.”
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