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Beer curling competition on for Saturday at Charles City Elks Lodge pond

By Bob Steenson,

The Charles City Elks Lodge will still be offering Beer Curling on the Elks Lodge pond on Saturday as part of the Cabin Fever Weekend events, despite recent warm weather.

Beer curling competition on for Saturday at Charles City Elks Lodge pond
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

Zach Sullivan, exalted ruler of the lodge, said a member was on the pond to cut notches in the ice to hold lath for taping off areas, “and it’s still plenty thick, so we’re good to go.”

There are currently 37 teams registered for the event where three-person groups take turns shoving 30-packs of beer on baking sheets toward targets for points.

Sullivan said they will accept additional teams registering on the day of the event if there’s space available, but there’s still time to call to sign up and guarantee a spot.

For more information or to register a team, contact Sullivan at 641-330-5924 or, or the Elks Lodge at 641-228-1257 or

Team entry fee is $30, and half of the money collected will be returned in prizes, and the other half will go to support Elks Lodge activities.

The double-elimination tournament event is planned for Saturday, Feb. 1, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Elks Lodge pond. Food will be available for a freewill offering, and the Elks Lodge bar will also be open.

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