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Charles City church announces ‘Celebrate the Season’ concert

Charles City church announces ‘Celebrate the Season’ concert

Wartburg, CCHS, Minnesota and local musicians to perform

To the Press

The First Congregational Church of Charles City will celebrate the Christmas Season with a concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13.

“Celebrate the Season” is open to the public and will feature local and other performers including: members of Endless Summer; a two-piece brass ensemble from Wartburg College in Waverly; the Chamber Singers Choral Group from the Charles City High School; and a duet from the Riverland Community College Vocal Department in Austin, Minn. The program will conclude with an organ solo by Scott Blankenbaker, vocal instructor at Riverland Community College, with congregational singing.

Special hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served following the concert.

The church is located at 502 N. Jackson St., Charles City. All are welcome.

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