The Weekly Word: Unchanging hope for an ever-changing world
By the Rev. Daniel Larson, Cross Lutheran Church
Look at all the changes that have occurred in our country and throughout the world over this past year. Think of the many things that may have changed in your own life.
Did your job situation change because of the pandemic? Did you mourn the passing of a loved-one perhaps? Did you celebrate the arrival of a new baby into your family?

When we think of all the things that have changed in our life even just in this past year, we may wonder what will happen in the days and years that lie ahead of us.
What things will change? What will remain the same? Can we rely on anything to stay the same? We live in an ever-changing world, don’t we?
It is true that many times our experiences in this ever-changing world can be very difficult and overwhelming. However, no matter what may change from day to day and from year to year; no matter what experiences place heavy burdens upon us, we can rely on the one who never changes: Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
He always exists, even before time, and lives throughout time even into eternity. Jesus loved us even before we were born. He still loves us today and will always love us.
When we think about it, that’s really what Christmas is all about. Jesus loves us so much that He wants us to realize and appreciate His unchanging love forever. This is why He came into the world as a human being to live a perfect life, obeying God’s demands for us, and taking the punishment for our sins upon HImself.
God has now given us the reward for Christ’s perfection. That reward is an eternity far away from this world’s sadness, chaos, disappointments and death. In Christ, God has now made it possible for us to have real and sure hope — hope for the unchanging peace and joy of a place called heaven.
The Bible tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He promises to be with us, to love us, and to care for us. And even more, Christ promises to give perfect peace with God to all who place their trust in Him for forgiveness, life and salvation.
Jesus has become our only hope — unchanging hope for an ever-changing world.
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You are invited to worship safely with us at Cross Lutheran Church each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. as together we grow more secure in the faith and hope that Jesus gives us.
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