The Weekly Word: A gift to enjoy
Do you remember your first paycheck? I remember mine. I earned it by painting the outside walls of a gas station during the week and pumping gas on the weekends.
It didn’t matter that I earned minimum wage or that I had spent two weeks sweating out in the hot July sun. The check had my name on it and I had earned it.

Though some people like to frame the first dollar they ever earn, I took my first paycheck and deposited it in my new bank account.
However, there is another kind of “paycheck” that I’m not so excited to display or take to the bank. It comes to me in the form of a guilty conscience. I feel it whenever I sin; whenever I should be more caring, understanding, and loving toward others around me.
So I work harder at doing what is right and try to do better than before, but still it never seems to be enough. And I know why it is never enough. It is because the Bible tells me that the wages of my sin is death. That is the “paycheck” for my sins, and it is your “paycheck” too.
But thank God that He has provided a way out for us. And it doesn’t come by earning, but by receiving.
It’s not a paycheck, but a gift. It is a gift for each of us that has been bought and paid for by the blood of God’s own Son, Jesus Christ; earned by His death on the cross and graciously given to us by faith in Him.
The truth of all this is stated in the Bible. It tells us that, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Do you see? In Jesus, we are given what we do not deserve: eternal life with God. Now we have something that will last forever. It will never run out or be taken away from us.
Think about that! Jesus has taken all the pressure off us, hasn’t He? Instead of dwelling on our sins and feeling hopelessly guilty and discouraged, we can look to Jesus in faith; for God has credited Christ’s perfect love and righteousness to us, making us acceptable to Him and fit for heaven.
Instead of dreading the pressures of tomorrow, we can look forward to the promise of eternal life that has been won for us through Christ’s death and resurrection.
From that perspective, life is no longer a burden, but a gracious gift to enjoy — for now and for eternity as well!
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You are invited to come and worship with us at Cross Lutheran Church to learn more about the wonderful gifts God has graciously given us in Christ.
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