The Weekly Word: Losing focus
By Robert Williams, Pastor, The Bridge Church, Charles City
You ever have days where you just seem to completely lose your focus? Where, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stay focused on your work or your family or whatever task it is that you are trying to accomplish?
Do you ever have days where focus is so hard that you continually forget a bunch of things?

That was me the today. I forgot to let the electricians into our building to work on the kitchen this morning. I forgot to buy soda for the staff fridge this week, after insisting countless times that it was my turn to do so.
I even forgot to write this weekly word today as I got distracted by a hundred other things!
Don’t get me wrong, some of this is due to my ADHD, but that just sounds like an excuse. If I’m honest, a lot of it has to do with how busy and overwhelmed I can get during the Easter season.
With an Ash Wednesday service and a worship night here on our campus and neighborhood canvassing and Good Friday service and Easter… along with family and friends and kids and school concerts… spring cleaning and housework and yard work and projects galore.
Heck, I’m even gonna try and remodel my kitchen in a month or so, here, all while trying to keep up my regular duties as a pastor, friend, father and husband!
With all of that on your plate, how does one NOT lose focus?!
The world is no different, though. We live in a world absolutely full of distractions. Our phones distract us. TV and YouTube and media distract us. Ads and social media and work-life and school activities, news networks and politics and work politics – it ALL pulls at our attention.
So much so that various studies have been done that show our attention span in North America has dropped significantly over the last couple of decades. Think about that. It’s actually been scientifically proven that it’s easier to lose our focus more now than ever before!
And yet, as we move closer to Easter, I can’t help but feel like God is calling us to do just that – focus.
What would it take for you to truly focus? To focus on what’s most important, especially in a season like this?
As the world does everything it can to pull at the strings of our very short attention spans, what do you need to do to focus on God? After all, He’s exactly what the Easter season is about.
These last few weeks at The Bridge, we’ve been going through a sermon series called Road to Golgotha. And throughout this series we’ve been studying the road that Jesus took to get to the cross, looking at the lessons that can be learned during the time of Jesus’ deepest suffering.
During this time, he was stressed, hurt, lied to, lied about, betrayed, beaten and crucified. He had plenty of things to worry about, plenty of things to distract him.
And yet, He had one focus: You.
Jesus died for you, that you might have life.
This year let’s reciprocate that kind of focus, that kind of love. Let’s make Jesus our utmost point of attention like he did for us.
The writer of Hebrews put it perfectly:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
– Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV
• • •
If you’re looking for a place to worship on Easter this year, we’d love to have you at The Bridge Church. We’ll have three identical services at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. We’ll even have child care during each service and an Easter Egg Hunt around noon, after the third service! I hope you can join us as we celebrate and focus on the greatest gift God has ever given us.
God Bless and Happy Easter.
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