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Iowa Supreme Court justices will visit Charles City area schools

The Iowa Supreme Court. The justice are, front row, left to right: Justice David S. Wiggins, Chief Justice Mark S. Cady, Justice Daryl L. Hecht. Back row, left to right: Justice Edward M. Mansfield, Justice Brent R. Appel, Justice Thomas D. Waterman, and Justice Bruce B. Zager.  Contributed photo.
Iowa Supreme Court justices are, front from left, David Wiggins, Chief Justice Mark Cady, Daryl Hecht; back row from left, Edward Mansfield, Brent Appel, Thomas Waterman and Bruce Zager. Contributed photo.

Staff report

The Iowa Supreme Court will meet Tuesday night in Charles City to hear a case as part of the court’s practice of holding sessions around the state to increase accessibility.

But before and after that official business, justices will be going into area classrooms to meet with students in seven schools.

They will discuss the Iowa judicial system and the role of the courts in Iowa with students in Charles City, Tripoli, Hampton, Fairbank, Iowa Falls, Dike, and Parkersburg.

The schedule is:

Tuesday, April 4

• 12:30 p.m. — Justice Bruce Zager will visit Tripoli Middle/Senior High School in Tripoli.

Wednesday, April 5

• 8:15 a.m. — Justice Daryl Hecht will visit Hampton-Dumont High School in Hampton.

• 9:10 a.m. — Justice Brent Appel will visit Charles City High School.

• 9:15 a.m. — Justice Thomas Waterman will visit Wapsie Valley High School in Fairbank.

• 9:15 a.m. — Justice David Wiggins will visit Iowa Falls-Alden High School in Iowa Falls.

• 9:30 a.m. — Justice Edward Mansfield will visit Dike-New Hartford High School in Dike.

• 10 a.m. — Chief Justice Mark Cady will visit Aplington-Parkersburg High School in Parkersburg.

The Supreme Court’s special session will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, at the North Grand Building (old Charles City Middle School).

During the special session the court will hear oral arguments in a case involving a Muscatine High School baseball player who was struck and injured by a foul ball while playing in a game at Davenport Assumption High School.

A public reception with the justices in the North Grand Building cafeteria will follow the oral arguments, sponsored by the Floyd County Bar Association.

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