Charles City RAGBRAI committee to unveil local logo and theme

Staff report
The Charles City RAGBRAI Committee will be unveiling the theme and logo for this summer’s overnight RAGBRAI stay at a Facebook live event on Wednesday, April 5.
RAGBRAI — the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa — will overnight in Charles City on Wednesday, July 26. It will bring an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 bicycle riders and support personnel to the community, and a local executive committee and subcommittees have been preparing for the event since the route announcement in February.
A Charles City RAGBRAI Facebook page has been created to follow how plans are coming along for the event. It is, or search Charles City RAGBRAI on Facebook.
Clues about this year’s theme and logo will be unveiled each day through Wednesday, April 5, on the Charles City RAGBRAI Facebook page.
Riders will spend Tuesday night, July 25, in Clear Lake, then travel through Thornton, Swaledale, Rockwell, Cartersville and Rockford before ending in Charles City to spend the night July 26. Riders will leave Charles City on Thursday, July 27, on the way to Cresco.
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