Hump day and hills combine for Charles City RAGBRAI theme

Staff report
CHARLES CITY — RAGBRAI’s “hump day” in Charles City this summer may mark the downward path to the end of the week, but it will begin an uphill climb to the eastern edge of the state.
The Charles City RAGBRAI executive committee revealed the official logo and theme for the bicycle ride’s July 26 overnight stay in Charles City during a live Facebook event Wednesday evening.
Executive committee member Cory Mutch, who designed the logo, said that after discussing several different themes and ideas, the committee decided to highlight the Wednesday overnight as the last stop before the riders will hit the more hilly portion of the seven-day event.
“Most people say when you’re halfway through the week it is all downhill from here. That saying has actually been used for other town themes in the past,” Mutch said.
“However, the folks at RAGBRAI decided differently this time around. The day they leave Charles City the riders will have a 2,200-foot climb. The following day they will have a 2,400-foot climb and the final day, into the dip town of Lansing, they will have a 3,200-foot climb,” he said.
“Everyone knows that Wednesday is referred to as hump day. Therefore, the Charles City theme is ‘The Last Hump Before the Hills,’” Mutch said.
This year’s RAGBRAI — The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa — will take riders from Clear Lake, where they will spend the night on Tuesday, July 25, through Thornton, Swaledale, Rockwell, Cartersville and Rockford before spending Wednesday night in Charles City.
The executive and sub-committees have been meeting regularly since the route announcement in February to make decisions on where camping will be located, what entertainment will be provided, where meals and showers will located, along with other major aspects for when about 15,000 bicycle riders and support personnel descend on the community.
More information about the event can be found on the Charles City RAGBRAI Facebook page.
T-shirts will soon be available for purchase with the Charles City logo and will be for sale at the Charles City Chamber office.
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