Mobile food pantry will be at Messiah’s Food Pantry Wednesday

To The Press
The Northeast Iowa Food Bank is sending a truck to Charles City to distribute food from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, for eligible people.
The truck will be in the parking lot behind the Messiah’s Food Pantry in Charles City. Patrons are asked to stay in their car and food bundles will be brought to them.
Recipients must meet government income guidelines.
Messiah’s Food Pantry is currently closed because the small space prohibits proper social distancing.
With seven different programs specialized in providing food for northeast Iowa’s vulnerable populations, the impact of COVID-19 on Northeast Iowa Food Bank operations makes communicating those changes all the more important.
As the Food Bank begins to brace for a dramatic increase in people seeking food as a result of record high unemployment rates – an increase that many Food Banks around the country have already began to struggle with – they urge those who are now suddenly dealing with hunger to not be afraid to use their services.
In addition, the Food Bank shared this information:
• Cedar Valley Food Pantry is open, operating under a drive-thru only model. As clients drive up, they will be checked in, and their vehicles will be loaded with food by staff and volunteers. Participants are asked to stay in their vehicles, and do not need to schedule their monthly visit. The new hours are: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon.
• Mobile Food Pantries will continue to operate during their normal schedules, times, and at their normal locations, also utilizing the drive-through model where participants are asked to stay in their cars while their groceries are loaded for them.
• BackPack distributions will continue to take place in partnership with more than 100 northeast Iowa schools. For parents and guardians interested in learning more about how their child can receive a BackPack, call 319-235-0507 and ask for more information.
The Northeast Iowa Food Bank provides nutritious food and grocery products to about 200 nonprofit organizations and programs who assist the hungry and to individuals who are in need of food assistance to sustain life.
Last year, the Food Bank distributed more than 8 million pounds of food, which provided over 6.7 million meals within a 16-county service area.
The Food Bank provides eight programs that serve the Community: Member Agency Distribution, Cedar Valley Food Pantry, BackPack Program, Kids Cafe, Elderly Nutrition, Mobile Food Pantries, Summer Feeding and a Community Garden.
The Food Bank is a member of the Iowa Food Bank Association and Feeding America. For more information, visit
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