Floyd County Sheriff’s Office moves into new law enforcement center; but jail detainees not yet

The Floyd County Sheriff’s Office has moved into the new county law enforcement center, and anyone having business in person with the office should go there instead of to the fourth floor of the courthouse, the county sheriff said.
Sheriff Jeff Crooks said the move of his office, the deputies and office staff is complete, but county jail detainees and jail staff are still in the old jail on the top floor of the courthouse.
“The inmates are still in the old facility. We are waiting for our certificate of occupancy from the state jail inspector. Once that does arrive then we will moving inmates over to the new facility,” Crooks said.
“Other than that, all other things are being taken care of in the new facility, so the general public will have to come to the new facility,” he said.
Crooks said such things as handling civil papers, applying for weapons permits or sexual offender registration will now take place in the new Sheriff’s Office in the LEC, accessible by entering the entrance in the atrium that connects the two buildings.
— By Bob Steenson
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