CCHS adjusts schedule to beat the heat
By Travis Fischer,
Students of the Charles City High School will be shifting to a hybrid learning schedule this week in anticipation of several days of high temperatures.
Normal high school classes will be held during the first half of the day, with students being taught in-person for periods 1-4 on Tuesday and Thursday, and periods 5-8 on Wednesday and Friday.
At noon on each day, students will be free to leave the building and attend the remainder of their classes virtually. Students can go home, sit in the middle school commons area, or otherwise attend virtual classes anywhere more comfortable than the un-air-conditioned high school so long as they can find an internet connection.
Classes for the middle school, elementary, and innovative campus will be unaffected by this change. Normal lunch times and bus routes will run as scheduled.
For extra curricular activities, coaches will provide players with specific practice schedule details. Middle school football players will practice in the morning and high school football players will practice in the evening.
The Freshman Retreat will take place as scheduled on Thursday, Sept. 7, at the Floyd County Fairgrounds. The district will provide transportation.
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