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Santa visits Charles City for breakfast

Santa visits Charles City for breakfast
Kids got early Christmas gifts on Saturday as Santa Claus came out for a special breakfast fundraiser hosted by the Immaculate Conception School Parent Teacher Organization and Knights of Columbus. Press photos by Travis Fischer
By Travis Fischer,

Santa Claus stopped by Charles City for breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 6, as the Immaculate Conception Elementary PTO and the Knights of Columbus teamed-up for their third annual Breakfast with Santa fundraiser.

“We’ve had a very good turnout,” said IC School Principal Laurie Field.

Families came into the Columbus Club on Saturday morning to enjoy a breakfast cooked up by the Knights of Columbus, who had eight volunteers flipping flapjacks, serving sausages and distributing drinks.

“It’s a lot of fun,” said Grand Knight Kalen Schalder. “We support our church and our school and try to help in any way that we can.”

Along with collecting freewill donations to support the IC PTO’s activities, the Knights of Columbus donated $1,500 raised through Tootsie Roll sales to the school for special education materials.

Along with the knights, volunteers from the IC PTO were there to help Santa Claus distribute gifts to all the good girls and boys that stopped in for a visit. More than 40 kids came through during the breakfast, each receiving a gift donated by members and businesses in the community.

“We wanted it for the whole community,” said Field. “This is a way to bring the Christmas spirit.”

Santa visits Charles City for breakfast
Santa Claus got some holiday help from Will Felper and Shelby Effle during the Breakfast with Santa fundraiser on Saturday.
Santa visits Charles City for breakfast
The Knights of Columbus served up pancakes and sausages for Breakfast with Santa on Saturday.
Santa visits Charles City for breakfast
The Charles City community enjoyed breakfast with Santa Claus on Saturday, Dec. 6 at the Columbus Club.

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