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Trinity youth group volunteers at Charles City Mobile Food Pantry distribution

Trinity youth group volunteers at Charles City Mobile Food Pantry distribution
The youth group at Trinity United Methodist Church with their mentor, Rachel Mack (left), volunteered at the Charles City Mobile Food Pantry at the Floyd County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, Feb. 5. Char Greenzweig (right), with the Food Bank, instructed the youth group members on how they could help. Submitted photo
To The Press

The youth group at Trinity United Methodist Church volunteered at the Charles City Mobile Food Pantry at the Floyd County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, Feb. 5. Three-hundred and seventeen households were served that day.

The Northeast Iowa Food Bank distributes food to Floyd County residents the first Wednesday of each month at the fairgrounds. Anyone interested in volunteering to help can contact Jen Burton at 641-220-1769.

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