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Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night

Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
The Crappy Barbaras were the big Trivia Night winners on Saturday, clutching their victory after a tie-breaker with team Aim High. Pictured are Abbi Parcher, Katelyn Schwery, Allen Schwery, Melissa Jones, Dakotah Jones, and Hannah Chambers. Submitted photo
By Travis Fischer,

It was quiz time at the Comet Gym on Saturday, Feb. 22, as the Charles City eighth grade class hosted the seventh annual Trivia Night fundraiser.

Twenty-nine teams tested their knowledge on everything from the age of the Oreo cookie to the latitude of famous landmarks.

Every year’s Trivia Night has its own theme and this year the students decided to take their guests to the beach, converting the Comet Gym into “Quiz Cove.” Decorated with crafted palm trees and sand castles, the event featured beach-themed snacks and tropical décor to whisk people away from the Iowa winter for an evening.

“They worked really hard to make this place look fantastic,” said 8th grade teacher Amanda Rahmiller, who has overseen the Trivia Night event since its inception.

After several rounds of trivia, this year’s winning team was the Crappy Barbaras. Abbi Parcher, Katelyn Schwery, Allen Schwery, Melissa Jones, Dakotah Jones, and Hannah Chambers were the winners of the evening, taking home the trophy after a nail-biting finish in which the tie-breaking question came down to who could most accurately guess how long the Hundred Years War was. (Answer: 116 years)

Narrowly taking second place was Aim High, made up of Kurt Herbrechtsmeyer, Wendy Castillo, Carly Demro, Heidi Worrall, Izzy Worrall, and Phyllis Ruehlow.

Along with the trivia contest, guests also got the opportunity to participate in a silent auction, with a wide range of items procured by the students to bid on. Donated items came from far and wide, ranging from zoo tickets to local gift cards, and even a handmade cornhole set crafted by eighth grade students.

Funds raised during the fundraiser will once again go to support the restoration of Riverside Cemetery’s chapel, which has been an ongoing project for several years worth of eighth grade classes.

This year Rahmiller expects the restoration of the chapel to finally be complete, but assured the crowd that she is already looking for another project for future eighth grade classes to contribute to with Trivia Night.

“We’d still like to give back and the students get some amazing skills from this event, so it will continue,” said Rahmiller.

Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
Charles City 8th graders turned the Comet Gym into “Quiz Cove” for their beach themed Trivia Night event on Saturday, Feb. 22. This year’s group of organizing students included (back) Ellie Bohlen, Zuri Weber, Claire Schradle, Flynn Osier, Maxtyn Hammermeister, (middle) Layla Barry, Elyse Mason, Jacque Mayhew, Leah Litterer, Bryn Rogstad, Owen Prichard, Rowan Schmidt, (front) Camryn Molstead, Ali Shirley, Jershey Dizon, Sam Northrup, Kiki Bruening, (not pictured) Ryan Pavlovich, Brayden Caffrey, Addie Byers, Molly Hammermeister, Lexan Joslin, Emma Caspers, and Riley Quade. Submitted photo
Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
Twenty-nine teams tested their trivia knowledge on Saturday for the 7th Annual Trivia Night at Charles City Middle School. Press photos by Travis Fischer
Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
It was an evening of snacks and brain teasers on Saturday as people filled the Comet Gym for the 8th Grade class’ Trivia Night fundraiser.
Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
A cornhole set built by the Charles City 8th Graders was among the several donated items up for a silent auction during the Trivia Night fundraiser on Saturday.
Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
Charles City 8th Graders brought a tropical night to town on Saturday with their beach-themed Trivia Night event.
Eighth graders offer a tropical getaway with beach-themed Trivia Night
Beach-themed snacks were on the menu Saturday as the Charles City 8th Graders hosted the 7th annual Trivia Night event.

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