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Fire claims unoccupied house near Floyd

Fire claims unoccupied house near Floyd
A fire early Thursday morning left a rural Floyd house a total loss. Submitted photo
By Travis Fischer,

The Floyd Fire Department responded to a house fire at 1828 Cedar View Road early Thursday morning.

Firefighters were paged at around 2:12 a.m. after a report of a fire at the house, which was not occupied.

“Nobody is currently residing at the residence,” said Floyd Fire Chief Ben Chatfield.

Joined by firefighters from Charles City, Colwell, Floyd, Rudd and Osage, the fire was eventually put out, but not before the building was consumed.

“It’s a total loss,” said Chatfield.

Firefighters left the scene at about 6 a.m., returning about 45 minutes later for a flare-up. Chatfield said that there is too much damage to determine a cause for the fire, but they didn’t note anything suspicious.

“At this point we don’t suspect any foul play or anything,” said Chatfield.

Fire claims unoccupied house near Floyd
Neighbors received an unwelcome wake-up call early Thursday morning as fire engulfed an unoccupied house near Floyd.
Fire claims unoccupied house near Floyd
A house fire near Floyd drew firefighters and spectators early Thursday morning.

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